Last weekend (a week ago), I "ditched" Daniel (with his permission, of course) to go camping with 3 other JCS girls. WE hiked up to our favorite camping spot- Spider Point, arrived at dark, set up camp, and cooked calzones over the campfire. We had a great time talking and hanging out; it was good to have girl time. I love waking up at Spider Point- the almost 365 degree view of mountains is gorgeous. The morning started out with low fog, so when I looked in one directions, it looked as though there was a huge lake between the mountains. I tried to capture this on camera, but doubt it turned out as spectacular as it looked. The low silver area is the fog.

On Saturday, I came back home and rested for a bit. Then Daniel and I went to play Ultimate. We had a large group of people, so we split into 3 teams, each game going to 3 points and rotating. It worked out really well. We met many people from other ministries that we did not previously know. I was exhausted by the end of it, but had a good time. Afterward we ran to Pico Pollo, ate, went home, changed, and went to a ballet. The ballet was put together by a ballet teacher that teaches here in Jarabacoa. While it can not be compared to watching Nutcracker performed in the United States, it was very enjoyable and we were impressed by how well some of the students performed. It was a mix of modern and classical dance. I must admit, I liked the classical better. Some advanced dancers did point, others danced barefoot.

I put other pics on a web album:
ballet. I did this especially for Devon. :)