Thursday, September 29, 2005

What a week!

We are continuing to adjust to our new life in the D.R. The thing we both are having the hardest time adjusting to is the water problem. This past week the water was constantly going on and off. On Saturday we started a load of laundry at 7:30 in the morning. Then the electricity went off, then came on and the water went off, then vice versa. We finally finished the load in the evening. Then, to top it all off, the water went off Monday night and stayed off until Wed. afternoon. It's frustrating to see the dishes pile up, the bathroom get very gross, etc. And it's pretty hard to keep things clean here as it is. It's hard to feel overwhelmed at work and come home to a dirty, waterless home. To add to it, our phone has stopped working for some reason. We can receive calls but not make them.
On a positive note, though, the books finally arrived! After over 1 month of school the books came on Tuesday. Next week will end our six weeks. It's flown by!
Although it's been more tough than I expected, God has taught Daniel and I a lot- about the importance of prayer, the importance of remaining thankful, and the importance of remembering that teaching is not our life's purpose. When I remember that I am here to serve Him, not make all of my students brilliant, my anxiety decreases. It's been hard learning to teach ESL students. But my first priority is to show them God's love as I teach them other subjects.
Thank you all for your prayers- Daniel and I have certainly needed them! We know that the hard times make us realize how much we need God. They also unite us together, and our relationship is growing stronger through them.
On a lighter note, we had another bat visit our house. :) And we're thinking of getting a cat. The zoo continues...

1 comment:

ashley said...

Yes! Get a kitty!!! :-D That would make me happy! Yeah, I'm weird...

Sorry to hear about your water woes :-( That must so frustrating.. glad God is teaching you through these difficulties, though!