Saturday, June 14, 2008

And now for the exciting news...

After much prayer and some late nights of talking, Daniel decided to apply for the Director position at JCS. And as of last night, he is officially the director for next year. I'm excited for him, though I realize that this will have a big impact on our family life, as it will be a greater time commitment. This also means that we will probably be here for at least
another two years. We ask for all of your prayers as we embark on this new adventure!

Here are some of the positions still available:
Pre-K 3, and Kindergarden
Some Elementary Positions
Jr. High/High School Social Studies and Math
Counselor Position
Preschool and Elementary Aid positions

So, if you've ever wanted to work in the D.R., now's your chance!


Anonymous said...

OH yay!!! Beth and I were guessing you were pregnant. we were way off. he he.

Joanna said...

That's so exciting! Wow!

Based on what you've said before, that's a tough position with a lot of pressure from all sides, so I'll definitely be praying for you guys & wisdom as he tackles it. Will he still be in the classroom as well? And will you continue tutoring?

Sara said...


Now, this changes things...

Buy the car! (if you haven't already decided)

ashley said...

I thought you were pregnant too. :-) This does change things! I'm sad that it means you'll be in the DR for a while longer, but excited for the possibilities that you and Daniel are facing. :-)