Tuesday, November 15, 2005

12 weeks down... almost

At the end of this week, we will have been in school for 12 weeks, a full third of the school year. We'll also have been here for 3 months on Thursday, and then we go back to Chicago in less than a month after that for Christmas. Yes, time flies, but most of you know that firsthand already. Classes continue and Teresa won the "Teacher of the Month" award for October and I am so proud of her (As you can tell, I don't teach language because that is a run-on)!! The rainy season has begun and it has poured almost two days straight, leaving us without water for a while, and very dirty water now... so dirty, in fact, that we didn't want to do laundry in fear of making our clothes dirtier and even worse, that you can't really tell if you flushed the toilet or not by looking.
The rain here is not like Midwest rain. It's like someone flips a switch and it's suddenly a torrential downpour (we've gotten 10-12 inches in the past two days). Then, just as suddenly, it stops. Our plants are loving it, though!
Chai is continuing to grow and play. She's still little and she bites a lot. We're trying to train her. We give her toys, but she likes being around/ on us continually- even if we're in the bathroom. Any tips, Ashley? Well, that's all for now. Next week is Thanksgiving! Yay! We'll send picture of our American feast.


ashley said...

Yeah my cats are always around me too! They used to try and join me when I was in the shower, but that soon stopped. ;-) I don't know what to say about biting because I've never really had problems with that (with the exception of my first cat, but we never did cure her of that). Just make sure you're not playing with your hands. Hopefully she'll grow out of it! Has she started drinking water yet, or is she still all for the milk? I wish I could meet her!! Maybe I'll hop down to the D.R. on my next holiday. ;-)

Regan said...

Wow, sounds fun living in the DR. I should try doing some of those fun things you talk about... like doing my own laundry. I would hate to have to drive to school in the rain.