Friday, January 11, 2008

Thankfulness Week Day 4: My husband

I am so thankful to be married to a wonderful husband and daddy! He is a great support and encourager. He is the calm one when I am stressing out about Jeremiah. Last night was another tough night. I didn't sleep well and Jeremiah seemed to wake up every few hours. I was exhausted when I woke up. Daniel volunteered to come home during his prep time (he was working on report card) to carry Jeremiah while doing report cards from home. I was able to have a uninterrupted quiet time and take a nap. It refreshed me for the rest of the day!

One thing God put on my heart during my quiet time was the phrase "Trust and Obey." That brought me so much peace. During the difficult trials of raising a child, I am supposed to trust and obey God- obey Him by loving and nurturing this child and raising him in a way that honors God, and trust God to take care of Him and give Daniel and I the strength we need. What a simple but powerful phrase!


Anonymous said...

Teresa, I don't know if you remember me. I came down with my dad for a weekend camp for the DR school kids about a year ago. But I decided to look up your blog and see pics of the new peterson and he is so cute. I'm so glad I got to see him. Kassie from VA

Daniel and Teresa said...

Hi Kassie! Thanks for leaving a comment! Daniel and I hope to come up if the jr. high/high schoolers go to camp this year. We'd love to have you meet Jeremiah in person! :)